Choosing the right fume hood is crucial to ensuring safety from dangerous chemicals and vapors in your lab. However, researching and purchasing the right lab hood can seem overwhelming. Here are some important considerations to help you choose the right fume hood for your lab.

Firstly, Let’s understand and compare ducted fume hoods (DFH)and ductless filtering fume hoods (DFFH):
Ducted Fume Hoods:
- Design: These hoods connect to facility ductwork, allowing them to send contaminated air outside the facility.
- Function: They exhaust hazardous fumes and vapors directly to the exterior.
- Safety: Ducted hoods are safer for workers because they prevent recirculation of contaminants within the lab.
- Installation and Maintenance: They are more expensive and require professional installation. Maintenance involves regular checks of ducts and exhaust systems.
- Environmental Impact: Some ducted hoods release unfiltered, contaminated air into the environment.
- Sash Type: Typically low with a vertical sliding sash.

Ductless Fume Hoods:
- Design: These standalone units filter contaminated air and recirculate clean air back into the room.
- Function: They use filters to trap contaminants, making them suitable for various applications.
- Versatility: Ductless hoods are more flexible in terms of placement and can be moved to different locations if needed.
- Environmental Impact: Contaminants are trapped in filters, which are disposed of in landfills.
- Considerations: Detailed chemical assessments are necessary before implementing ductless hoods. Filter life and replacement frequency should also be considered.

Then, Let’s explore the differences between ducted fume hoodsand ductless fume hoods in terms of how they filter and exhaust fumes:
Ducted Fume Hoods:
- Filtration and Exhaust: Ducted fume hoods are connected to facility ductwork, allowing them to expel contaminated air outside the building. They rely on external ventilation systems to remove hazardous fumes effectively.
- Filter Options: Some ducted hoods contain filters, while others directly exhaust unfiltered, contaminated air. The choice depends on the specific application and the resulting fumes.
- Environmental Impact: Unfiltered ducted hoods may release pollutants into the environment, affecting air quality.
Ductless Fume Hoods:
- Filtration and Recirculation: Ductless hoods are standalone units that filter contaminated air within the hood. They use filters (such as activated carbon or HEPA filters) to trap hazardous substances. Cleaned air is then recirculated back into the laboratory, eliminating the need for external ductwork.
- Versatility and Placement: Ductless hoods are more versatile in terms of placement. They can be moved to different locations if needed.
- Environmental Considerations: Ductless hoods trap contaminants in filters, which are typically disposed of in a landfill. This approach minimizes environmental impact compared to unfiltered ducted hoods.
In summary, ducted hoods prioritize complete removal of fumes, while ductless hoods focus on air purification and recirculation within the lab
Thirdly, we need to cosider about the application. What work are you doing inside your fume hood?
- Consider the types of experiments and procedures you’ll perform.
- Evaluate the hazardous materials involved and the level of containment required.
- Understand the ventilation requirements (duct or ductless) based on your lab’s existing setup.
From that information, you will be easier to consider DFH and DFFH
Moreover, Let’s discuss the installation and operation costsassociated with fume hoods:
Installation Costs:
- Ducted Fume Hoods: These hoods require external ductwork and ventilation systems. Installation costs are higher due to the need for connecting to an exhaust system. Proper ventilation ensures the removal of hazardous fumes.
- Ductless Fume Hoods: Easier to install since they don’t need external ducts. However, regular filter replacements are essential for maintaining their effectiveness.
Operating Costs:
- Ductless Fume Hoods: Primary operating costs come from filter replacements. Regularly changing filters ensures efficient air purification.
- Ducted Fume Hoods: Operating costs depend on the blower’s exhaust. Higher exhaust rates lead to increased operating costs.

In summary, Ducted Fume Hoods: These traditional hoods are connected to an exhaust system that removes hazardous fumes and gases from the lab. They provide effective safety but require careful consideration of ventilation systems and installation costs. Ductless Fume Hoods: These hoods don’t need external ventilation. Instead, they use filters to neutralize hazardous substances before recirculating the air within the lab. They offer flexibility in placement but may be suitable only for specific application.